winery wedding victoria

Planning a Winery Wedding In Victoria – How the Vines Will Look.

how the vines will look for your winery wedding

Considerations for your Winery Wedding

If you’re planning your winery wedding in Victoria you may be wondering how the vines will look on your big day. I have done the research for you so all you have to do is refer to this blog post to get a general idea of the vine life cycle and how the vines will look for your winery wedding in Victoria.

Vines, like any other plant, have a life cycle. I have to admit I was a bit unsure when exactly they looked their best, but after doing some research and reading some great articles, I’m here to give you an idea of what you can expect for your images and save you time. The vines and wineries go through distinct stages and knowing where your day falls will enable you to predict how the winery will look for your wedding in Victoria.

A few years ago I photographed a wedding at a small winery in the Yarra Valley. The day was 43 degrees! Even though the vines were green in places, the leaves had largely browned due to the high temperature of the day and the couple of days before it. If you have an expectation of the vines, try to keep an open mind because weather events and other things outside the control of the winery can also have an impact.

You may also want to avoid nets over the vines so it’s great to know if your winery will use netting at all. Some wedding venues have ‘display vines’ which are designed just for the photos so you don’t have to worry about netting. The Little Vineyard is one such venue. I would recommend asking your winery venue to give you a general idea to be on the safe side.

winery wedding victoria
planning your winery wedding victoria

Identify what sort of Wedding you’ll be having

If you’re having an outdoor wedding, you will probably be thinking of the warmer months anyway. Winter weddings have lots of benefits including a smaller cost, and off peak savings, however the vines may be barren. Maybe you’re looking at a cosy wedding with a fireplace burning while your guests enjoy the winery’s selections. There is something about sipping a red wine in Winter by a fireplace. So first, decide what kind of wedding you’ll be having, and decide on the month. You can then start to gain an idea of how the outdoor images will look.

Winery Weddings Through the Seasons and how the Vines will Look


September – the vines will still look bare but tiny shoots will probably be visible.

October – This is quite a month of change. The vines will get bigger and greener as the month goes on and should look full and green by the end of the month.

November – The vines are full, lush and a gorgeous woolly green – perfect for photos.


December – The vines should still be green. The ground however may start to brown off, or may start to look patchy. Many wineries give their vines a trim in December so they look nice and neat. It is possible the winery may put a net out in December. Check with your venue!

January – It should still be green and grapes will now be appearing. Nets may also be present. The ground may be brownish depending on how the weather has been.

February – A very busy month for most wineries. While the vines look great heaving with fruit, the fruit is often harvested in February. The vines are still green mostly. The ground and grass can be yellow depending on how hot it has been. There is a lot of busy work going on so fall back on your photographer to select a section of the winery where there is minimal picking and activity. Nets may still be on and will be removed as each vine is harvested. The entire warm season can be a bushfire danger, however danger in February is considered particularly high.


March – Some wineries are still very green until the end of March and some will start to yellow. If you wanted a lush green for your images, you’ll have to remember that this is a month of change. Check with your venue to see when they usually yellow. Dams can be getting low as well and long heatwaves can accelerate the process of browning leaves.

April – Some years the harvest is later and continues into April but generally for most wineries the harvest is over. This month the leaves will start to yellow and redden and take on the typical colours of Autumn.

May – the vineyard will be a bit patchy as leaves begin to fall. By the end of the month or at the first frost, the leaves will fall.


June, July & August.

I personally love Winter at the wineries. In the Yarra Valley in particular, the frost and mist and gorgeous low winter light make for some stunning images. The vines are bare in Winter and get pruned. It can look stark but also beautiful. One thing to note is that it is often very wet around this time so if you are having a Winter Winery Wedding, I would bring gumboots, some gorgeous blankets for photos, maybe have a fire pit, some mulled wine – you get the idea.


When you hire your photographer, they should have an idea of golden hour. Golden hour is the glowy hour before sunset. Some wineries are next to mountains or hills that the sun sets behind first so golden hour won’t really exist and the sun will ‘go down’ early as it goes behind the hill. Your photographer should be able to give you some great ideas for your images and what to expect on your day. I hope this guide helps you decide when to marry. If you’re looking for a fresh and modern photographer, please drop me a line – I would love to hear from you here.